- name of the beneficiary: GENERAL FRIGOLOG Limited Liability Company
- subject and purpose of the development: 2022 development of GENERAL FRIGOLOG KFT
- the amount of the contracted support: HUF 49,128,321
- planned completion date of the project: 22.12.2023.
- detailed presentation of the content of the project: In the framework of the project, the main activity of our company, i.e. 4941 '08 Road freight transport, in practice also derives from this 100% of the sales revenue.
GENERAL FRIGOLOG KFT carried out this tender at its branch office number 12, 6422 Tompa, Szabadföld tanya. The following devices were purchased within the framework of the project: 3 Thermo King SLXi-300-50 cooling devices, which are climate and environmentally friendly due to the modern technology.